Oberseminar Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik
Wintersemester 2024/25
Donnerstags, 14:15-15:15 Uhr
Seminarraum A410 im Welfenschloss (Hauptgebäude, Welfengarten 1)
Datum | Vortragende/r | Vortragstitel |
Do 24.10.2024 | Guillaume Tahar (Beijing) | Simplicial arrangements and the geometry of planar cubic curves (online) In their solution to the orchard-planting problem, Green and Tao established a structure theorem which proves that in a line arrangement in the real projective plane with few double points, most lines are tangent to the dual curve of a cubic curve. We provide geometric arguments to prove that in the case of a simplicial arrangement, the aforementioned cubic curve cannot be irreducible. It follows that Grünbaum's conjectural asymptotic classification of simplicial arrangements holds under the additional hypothesis of a linear bound on the number of double points. This is a joint work with Dmitri Panov. |
Do 21.11.2024 | Anca Macinic (Bukarest) | Freeness-type properties and combinatorics of line arrangements We study the relation between freeness-adjacent properties and combinatorics, for arrangements of complex projective lines, via Ziegler restrictions. |
Fr 22.11.2024 | Opening RTG Colloquium (in Berlin) | |
Do 28.11.2024 | Seoyoung Kim (Göttingen) | Certain families of K3 surfaces and their modularity Abstract: We start with a double sextic family of K3 surfaces with four parameters with Picard number 16. Then by geometric reduction (top-to-bottom) processes, we obtain three, two and one parameter families of K3 surfaces of Picard number 17, 18 and 19 respectively. All these families turn out to be of hypergeometric type in the sense that their Picard--Fuch differential equations are given by hypergeometric or Heun functions. We will study the geometry of two parameter families in detail. |
Do 5.12.2024 | Jakob Glas (LUH) | Terminality of moduli spaces of curves on hypersurfaces via the circle method Abstract: I will explain how one can use tools from analytic number theory to study moduli spaces of curves on Fano varieties. In particular, I will report on joint work with Matthew Hase-Liu that shows that the moduli space of genus g curves of degree e on a smooth hypersurface of low degree only has terminal singularities, provided e is sufficiently large with respect to g. Using a spreading argument together with a result of Mustata, we reduce the problem to counting points over finite fields on the jet schemes of these moduli spaces. We solve this counting problem by developing a suitable version of the circle method. |
Do 12.12.2024 | Nuno Arala (LUH) | A nonabelian circle method Abstract: We will present a new form of the circle method targeted to counting solutions to equations with variables in non-commutative division algebras, and apply it to the question of how often a sum of squares of quaternions equals zero. |
Do 19.12.2024 | Leon Eickhoff (LUH) | Frieze patterns with constant boundary Abstract: Frieze patterns with constant boundary arise as a natural intermediate step between ordinary frieze patterns and frieze patterns with coefficients. |
Do 9.1.2025 | Christopher Frei (Graz) | Orthogonality of restricted primes with nilsequences The randomness of arithmetic functions with respect to linear correlations can be measured by Gowers uniformity norms. We show that the von Mangoldt function of primes restricted to a fixed Chebotarev class varies randomly around its average, up to structure arising from congruences to small moduli. By the inverse theory of Green-Tao-Ziegler, we can achieve this by studying correlations with nilsequences. Under GRH, we get analogous results for primes with a prescribed primitive root. This is joint work with Magdaléna Tinková. |
Do 16.1.2025 | Benjamin Brück (Münster) | High-dimensional cohomology of arithmetic groups Group cohomology allows one to associate to a group a sequence of algebraic invariants. Even for classical groups like SL_n(Z), computing these invariants leads to very challenging algebraic and combinatorial problems, especially in high dimensions/ cohomological degrees. In recent years, duality approaches have yielded new results about this high-dimensional cohomology for arithmetic groups such as SL_n(Z) or Sp_2n(Z). I will talk about the challenges of these computations, explain the strategy of the new approaches in the example of SL_n(Z) and mention generalisations of these for other types of groups. |
Do 23.1.2025 | Göttingen-Hannover Number Theory Workshop 15:00: Zhizhong Huang (CAS, Beijing) 16:30: Fabian Gundlach (Paderborn) | |
Do 30.1.2025 | Michael Cuntz (LUH) | Generalized root systems Dimitrov and Fioresi introduced an object that they call a generalized root system. This is a finite set of vectors in a euclidean space satisfying certain compatibilities between angles and sums and differences of elements. They conjecture that every generalized root system is equivalent to one associated to a restriction of a Weyl arrangement. In this talk we prove the conjecture and provide a complete classification of generalized root systems up to equivalence. This is joint work with Bernhard Mühlherr. |