30167 Hannover

Working experience
since 10/2023
Postdoc, Institute for algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics, Leibniz Universität Hannover -
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Göttingen (Advisors: Jörg Brüdern and Harald Helfgott)10/2017-09/2019
Master (M.Sc.) in Mathematics, University of Göttingen (Advisor: Jörg Brüdern)10/2015-09/2017
Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Mathematics, University of Göttingen (Betreuer: Jörg Brüdern)
Research interests
- Analytic number theory
- Hardy-Littlewood circle method
- Rational points on cubic hypersurfaces
- Rational and integral points on del Pezzo surfaces
Published articles:
- Cubic forms over imaginary quadratic number fields and pairs of rational cubic forms
with Leonhard Hochfilzer
Transactions AMS, 2024
[Preprint: arXiv:2307.10294] - The singular series of a cubic form in many variables and a new proof of Davenport's Shrinking Lemma
Bulletin London Math. Soc., 2025
[doi:10.1112/blms.13221] [Preprint: arXiv:2310.02036]
- Points of bounded height on quintic del Pezzo surfaces over number fields
with Ulrich Derenthal
https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.20293 - Small solutions to homogeneous and inhomogeneous cubic equations
- Rational points and lines on cubic hypersurfaces, Ph.D. thesis at the University of Göttingen
- Cubic forms over imaginary quadratic number fields and pairs of rational cubic forms
- Points of bounded height on quintic del Pezzo surfaces over number fields
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry and Algebraic Groups (online), 10/2024 (Recording) - The astronomy of cubic equations - Do we really need a telescope to observe their solutions?
Universität Göttingen, 2. WiMGo-Konferenz "Developments in Modern Mathematics", 09/2024 - Points of bounded height on quintic del Pezzo surfaces over number fields
Universität Rostock, ELAZ-Konferenz, 08/2024 - Points of bounded height on del Pezzo surfaces
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Oberseminar Zahlentheorie und Arithmetische Geometrie, 05/2024 - Cubic forms over imaginary quadratic number fields (and why we should care)
TU Graz, Arithmetik an der A7, 03/2024 - Rational Points and Lines on Cubic Hypersurfaces
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Oberseminar Zahlentheorie und Arithmetische Geometrie, 05/2023 - The singular series of a cubic form in 10 variables
Adam Mickiewicz Universität Poznań, ELAZ-Konferenz, 08/2022
- Points of bounded height on quintic del Pezzo surfaces over number fields
Conferences and workshops
- 2nd WiMGo Conference "Developments in Modern Mathematics", University of Göttingen, 09/2024
- ELAZ conference, University of Rostock, 08/2024
- Arithmetik an der A7, Graz, 03/2024
- A celebration of analytic number theory, Montreal, 09/2022
- ELAZ conference, University of Poznań, 08/2022
- Harmonic Analysis and Analytic Number Theory, ETH Zürich, 03/2022
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Thin groups and super-approximation", Oberwolfach, 10/2021
- Trimester program "Harmonic Analysis and Analytic Number Theory", Bonn, 05-06/2021
- Internet Seminar on Ergodic Theorems, Wuppertal, 06/2019
- Geometric and Analytic Number Theory, Göttingen, 11/2018
Teaching experience
In the summer term 2025, I will offer a lecture on "Additive Combinatorics and Number Theory".
- Winter 2024/25: Teaching assistant for "Algebra I" (Derenthal)
- Summer 2024: Teaching assistant for "Linear Algebra II" (Cuntz)
- Winter 2023/24: Teaching assistant for "Linear Algebra I" (Cuntz)
Teaching in Göttingen (2018-2023):
- SoSe 2023: Teaching assistant for "Elementary number theory" (Helfgott)
- WiSe 2021/22: Reading course on class field theory
- WiSe 2020/21: Teaching assistant for "Analysis I" (Brüdern)
- SoSe 2020: Reading course on automorphic forms
- SoSe 2019: Exercise class "Algebraic Geometry" (von Pippich)
- WiSe 2018/19: Exercise class "Analytic Number Theory I" (Blomer)
For many years, I have been involved in the support of mathematically talented high school students, on various levels:
- for the mathematical olympiad in Lower Saxony (since 2013)
- as a coach of the German team for the International Mathematical Olympiad (since 2020)
- in the problem selection commitee and as a coordinator for the German Mathematical Olympiad (since 2022)