Publikationen des Instituts für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik (ab 2020)

Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 120 von 157


Bessenrodt, C & Zalesski, A 2021, 'A sharp upper bound for the size of Lusztig series', Journal of group theory, Jg. 24, Nr. 2, S. 207-251.
Bessenrodt, C, Bowman, C & Sutton, L 2021, 'Kronecker positivity and 2-modular representation theory', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B, Jg. 8, Nr. 33, S. 1024-1055.,
Bhowal, P, Cameron, PJ, Nath, RK & Sambale, B 2021 'Solvable conjugacy class graph of groups'. <>
Cuntz, M 2021, 'A bound for crystallographic arrangements', Journal of algebra, Jg. 574, S. 50-69.
Cuntz, M & Holm, T 2021, 'Subpolygons in Conway-Coxeter frieze patterns', Algebraic Combinatorics, Jg. 4, Nr. 4, S. 741-755.
Derenthal, U & Hoffmann, N 2021 'G-torsors and universal torsors over nonsplit del Pezzo surfaces'. <>
Gao, Z 2021 'Recent developments of the Uniform Mordell-Lang Conjecture'.
Gao, Z, Ge, T & Kühne, L 2021 'The Uniform Mordell-Lang Conjecture'. <>
Hollenbach, R 2021, 'Bounds on the number of irreducible Brauer characters in blocks of finite groups of exceptional Lie type', Journal of algebra, Jg. 580, S. 199-221.
Huang, Z 2021, 'Rational approximations on toric varieties', Algebra and Number Theory, Jg. 15, Nr. 2, S. 461-512.
Huang, Z 2021, 'Rational Points on Elliptic K3 Surfaces of Quadratic Twist Type', Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Jg. 72, Nr. 3, S. 755-772.
Hung, NN, Sambale, B & Tiep, PH 2021 'Bounding p-Brauer characters in finite groups with two conjugacy classes of p-elements'. <>
König, S 2021, '0-Hecke Algebras of the Symmetric Groups: Centers and Modules Associated to Quasisymmetric Schur Functions', Doctor rerum naturalium, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover.
Mitankin, V & Salgado, C 2021 'Rational points on del Pezzo surfaces of degree four'. <>
Morotti, L 2021, 'Irreducible Tensor Products for Alternating Groups in Characteristic 5', Algebras and representation theory, Jg. 24, Nr. 1, S. 203-229.
Morotti, L 2021, 'Irreducible tensor products of representations of covering groups of symmetric and alternating groups', Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, Jg. 25, Nr. 19, S. 543-593.
Morotti, L & Tong-Viet, HP 2021, 'Proportions of vanishing elements in finite groups', Israel journal of mathematics, Jg. 246, Nr. 1, S. 441-457.
Navarro, G & Sambale, B 2021 'Alternating sums over pi-subgroups'. <>
Overkamp, O 2021, 'Degeneration of Kummer surfaces', Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Jg. 171, Nr. 1, S. 65-97.
Rossi, D & Sambale, B 2021, 'Restrictions of characters in p-solvable groups', Journal of algebra, Jg. 587, S. 130-141.